Friday 15 May 2009

Classification of Cheeses

There are many different kinds of cheese, emanating from a multitude of different countries of origin - I won't be listing them here due to the various demands of running the Institute. Please feel free to post your favourite cheese, however.


  1. The calloused, cracked Red Leicester at the back of the fridge, that has been left to dry out and die.


    A lovely smokewood.

    Bug and Milk, thats all it is...

  2. Cheese fuckers...
    They're everywhere!
    When I was a child, I had a pet mouse, he wasn't much of a mouse but he was my mouse. I loved him.
    Then he got in with the wrong crowd. You know, hangin round crack dens, sniffin glue n shit. Then he disappeared. Didn't see him for months.
    Then one day the cops turned up. Wanted to know all about him. Turns out he'd got into some strange shit with some bad geezers.
    Stealin' cheese? Oh no... worse than that,
    fuckin' cheese. Yeah, can you believe it?
    I tell you, broke my little heart it did.
    Cheese fuckers! ...
